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【DSE英文科Tips】Paper 2摘星攻略《一》

Every year, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority publishes a comprehensive report on the DSE English Language examination. The marking schemes and examiner’s comments on candidates’ performance provide useful information for both teachers and students regarding the assessment requirements and how to excel in the papers.

【DSE英文科Tips】Paper 2摘星攻略《二》

In the last article, we have reviewed the format of Paper 2, identified some questions to think about when we plan our writing, and learnt how to succeed in the paper based on the three marking criteria: content, language and organisation.

【DSE英文科Tips】Paper 3時間就是分數

The Listening and Integrated Skills paper is a component that carries the heaviest weighting (30%) in the English subject mark. The paper consists of two parts. Part A is compulsory and it includes 4 theme-based tasks. For Part B, candidates are required to attempt either Section 1 (easier) or Section 2 (more difficult). Let’s focus on Part A this time.

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【DSE英文口試Tips】Paper 4最緊要善用8分鐘

The DSE English Paper 4 (Speaking) is divided into two parts: Group Discussion and Individual Response. In order to succeed in this paper, candidates need to do well in four domains: Pronunciation and Delivery (發音與演講方式); Communication Strategies (溝通策略); Vocabulary and Language Patterns (字彙和句式) and Ideas and Organisation (意見與組織).

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In the last article, we have looked at the four domains that will be assessed in Paper 4 and explored the Do’s and Don’ts in the Group Discussion task. After the Group Discussion, the examiner will ask each candidate a follow-up question based on the discussion task. Each candidate will have 1 minute to answer the question.

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