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DSE英文科 | 卷三必用 5個代替decrease英文單詞

DSE 卷三不時都會遇到圖表嘅題目,要講到下降/減少,content point 就多數都拎到,但你又有冇諗過可以令 language 分都更加高?咁就要嚟學下點樣避免用好多考生都識嘅 ‘decrease ‘,而用其他可以代替嘅字啦,英文科卷三聆聽及綜合能力都啱用! 1. Reduce..

DSE英文科 | 卷三必用 5個代替Increase英文單詞

成日寫數據上升嘅時候都只係識用 Increase?唔想每次寫上升趨勢都只識得用一個英文單詞?想要拎星星,就連細微單詞都要好好拿捏,先可以令改卷員眼前一亮,喺眾多考生之中突圍而出!事不宜遲,一齊嚟學吓 Increase 嘅英文同義詞,英文科卷三聆聽及綜合能力都啱用! 1. Ascend 上升 用法 :The spending..

在家學習 | WSE星級名師主持 DSE英文聆聽急救講座

4月22日就係DSE英文考試,換句話說即只剩返個幾月嘅時間,唔知大家準備成點呢 ?  英文科考試分四部分,讀寫可以串多啲字,背多啲句式,但Paper 3 Listening 又可以點樣操練呢 ? 好多人話Listening份卷好長,做卷時間又應該點掌握 ? 各位DSE考生今次有福啦!Wall..


The DSE English Exam Paper 1 (Reading) consists of two parts. Students are given 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the compulsory Part A and they can choose to attempt either Part B1, the easier section or Part B2, the more difficult section.


In Paper 1, questions are often asked to test candidates’ ability to interpret the writer’s tone and attitude in a text. The English Language Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 – 6) suggests that in order to be an effective reader, learners should be able to recognise ‘the tone, mood and intention of the writer and his or her attitude to the theme or topic’.


Summary cloze (撮要填充) is a common question type in Paper 1. It is a reading comprehension task in which some words are omitted (刪去) from a paragraph and candidates are required to fill in the blanks with the information from the original text.