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【DSE英文口試Tips】Paper 4最緊要善用8分鐘

The DSE English Paper 4 (Speaking) is divided into two parts: Group Discussion and Individual Response. In order to succeed in this paper, candidates need to do well in four domains: Pronunciation and Delivery (發音與演講方式); Communication Strategies (溝通策略); Vocabulary and Language Patterns (字彙和句式) and Ideas and Organisation (意見與組織).


In the last article, we have looked at the four domains that will be assessed in Paper 4 and explored the Do’s and Don’ts in the Group Discussion task. After the Group Discussion, the examiner will ask each candidate a follow-up question based on the discussion task. Each candidate will have 1 minute to answer the question.

【Mingson Sir分享】 ibond 與DSE經濟相關的關鍵概念

「通脹掛鈎零售政府債券(iBond 2020)」的最新參考資料顯示,新一批iBond年期為3年,每單位債券發行價HK$100,每手100個單位,即HK$10,000,每半年派息一次,派息跟本地通脹率掛鈎,並設有保證利率,年息為2%;計算方法還包括浮息,以綜合消費價指數最近6個月的按年通脹率計算,債券的年息以上述兩者的較高為準。

【2021 DSE】十大 放榜 必備物品 為即場面試做好準備

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