IELTS Speaking part1 同 part3 可能會要你比較兩個人/地方/意見,例如問你住喺城市同住喺郊區有咩不同之處。提到比較題,大家可能會諗到 same as/ similar to/ different from/ as…as 呢啲英文,咁可以點樣豐富我哋嘅表達方式呢?其實只要善用同義詞、副詞及慣用語就可以!
方法一:代替 same as/ similar to
1. On a par with
Speaking of abilities and working experience, I believe he is on a par with her.
2. Have a lot in common
The two athletes have a lot in common. They both prefer offense over defense.
英文教室 |考IELTS必學 學識多個Good / Bad 替代詞
方法二:代替 different from
1. Poles apart
Although we have been best friends for over 10 years, we are poles apart in personality.
雖然我們成為了最好的朋友超過 10 年,但我們的性格卻完全不同。
As a piece of evidence, the video attracted over 5 million views.
作為例子,該視頻吸引了超過 500 萬次觀看次數。
方法一:Strikingly different 截然不同
Living in the countryside is strikingly different from living in the city, especially for the environment.
方法二:Utterly different 截然不同
Everything in Bali is utterly different from what I have experienced in my home country.
方法三:Rather different 微妙的差異
It is rather different between their types of fashion styles.
方法四:Subtly different 微妙的差異
The two tests are subtly different, such as the exam format.
WSE考試教室 |IELTS應試必備:想要攞高分?就學識呢d同義詞黎替換!(adjectives下篇)
方法一:代替 same as/ similar to: In the same league as sb/sth
I don’t have any preference between these two cars. One is in the same league as the other one.
方法二:代替 different from: Be a far cry from sth
The performance was a far cry from what I had expected. I thought it would be boring, but it was rather amazing!
想識更多英文?可以試下做下面個小評估睇下自己嘅英文程度先!咁就可以知道自己有邊啲方面可以加强啦。如果你想知道自己IELTS拎幾多分嘅話,立即按我 留言「IELTS」做免費測試, 15分鐘為你即時分析同改善!
DSE英文科 | 卷三必用 5個代替decrease英文單詞
DSE英文科 | 七個表示「擁擠」嘅英文 唔再只用Crowded
WSE考試教室 |IELTS考試避免使用三大字詞 必學六個常用同義詞