DSE 卷三不時都會遇到圖表嘅題目,要講到下降/減少,content point 就多數都拎到,但你又有冇諗過可以令 language 分都更加高?咁就要嚟學下點樣避免用好多考生都識嘅 ‘decrease ‘,而用其他可以代替嘅字啦,英文科卷三聆聽及綜合能力都啱用!
1. Reduce 降低
用法 :
According to the graph, the number of audiences have been reduced by 15 percent.
2. Diminish 減少
用法 :
The popularity of rickshaws diminished by time as shown from the table.
3. Drop 下降
用法 :
It is apparent that the number of rickshaws licenses dropped significantly from 3,243 in 1928 to 2 in 2013.
4. Shrink 縮小
用法 :
The number of tourists visiting Hong Kong has shrunk by 25 percent according to the statistic.
對比其他同時段的節目,Flatmates 的廣告收益在三個月內由港幣 400,000 顯著地上升至 港幣 800,000。
5. Decline 漸漸減少
用法 :
It is obvious that the interest for tourists to visit Hong Kong is declining due to insufficient recognition of landmarks.
多啲轉吓用字,先可以令改卷員耳目一新,自然會比高啲 language分你啦!
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