IELTS 無論考 Writing 定係 Oral,舉例可以幫你加強論點嘅說服力,助你攞到更理想嘅分數!咁英文裡面究竟有咩好用嘅舉例句型呢?今日就同大家講下7個舉例必用句式啦!
第一個: …is a case in point
用法: Fruits boost your immune system. Apple is a case in point, which contains a variety of vitamins, such as vitamin C, K, and B6.
英文教室 |考IELTS必學 學識多個Good / Bad 替代詞
第二個: Take the case of…
用法 : There are many dangers from taking drugs. Take the case of Marijuana, it increases the risk of heart attacks.
第三個:A striking illustration is that…
用法 : There are fewer students applying to this university for admission in recent years. A striking illustration is that teacher quality becomes worse.
第四個:By way of illustration
用法 : Here are some means to improve your English speaking. By way of illustration, listening to podcasts is a great way to be familiar with the pronunciation of native speakers.
第五個:To cite an instance
用法 : Many high achievers were born in poor families. To cite an instance, LeBron James had a difficult childhood but he is now one of the best NBA players in history.
第六個:To hold up as an example
用法 : My sister has shown her remarkable talents since she was small. Therefore, my parents always hold her up as an example in front of our relatives.
第七個:A concrete example is…
用法 : It may be hard for you to understand the term ‘tertiary sector of the economy’. A concrete example is the hospitality industry as it provides services instead of products.
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