做閱讀理解嗰陣,間中都會見到一啲同心情有關嘅英文,你有冇試過睇唔明個字點解呢?當靠上文下理都推測唔到個意思時,就會閱讀理解錯作者究竟表達緊咩心情!今次同大家分享「驚訝 Surprised」嘅同義詞,希望可以更加幫到 DSE 學生理解作者嘅語氣同態度!
DSE英文科 | 七個表示「擁擠」嘅英文 唔再只用Crowded
1. Stunned
用法:I was stunned by the announcement of my job promotion. I did not have any expectations at all!
2. Stupendous
用法:When we arrived home, my sister could hardly wait to tell us the stupendous news that she was admitted by Stanford University.
3. Staggered
用法:I am staggered by her rudeness today. She seems to be courteous and well-mannered.
4. Astounded
用法:She is astounded to hear her Brazilian classmate speaks Cantonese fluently and flawlessly.
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5. Nonplussed
用法:He said he was not coming today. Therefore, I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance.
6. Flabbergasted
用法:I order a bracelet online as it looks cool on the website. However, I am flabbergasted when I receive the actual product. It’s shoddy from the makers!
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DSE英文科 | 七個表示「擁擠」嘅英文 唔再只用Crowded
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