使用通過 www.metroeducationplus.com.hk(以下統稱「本網站」)獲取或提供由任何新城廣播有限公司提供的服務或資料,有關服務包括(但不限於)向用戶提供股票或及其他金融資訊服務(以下統稱「該服務」);
1. 一般條款
2. 內容規則
A. 會員不得利用網站刊登以下內容,否則將承擔所有經濟和法律責任:
(1) 發布和存儲任何違反法律和法規的資訊;
(2) 任何包含虛假、錯誤、誤導或誹謗內容;
(3) 任何電腦病毒的資訊;
(4) 涉及任何欺騙或假冒商品的資訊;
(5) 以任何方式侵犯版權、商標、商業秘密及知識產權等;
(6) 以任何方式侵犯他人隱私權和人身權利等;
(7) 以任何方式誹謗、淫穢、威脅或辱罵他人等。
(8) 以任何方式傷害未成年人。
(9) 冒充任何人或機構,或以虛偽不實的方式陳述或謊稱與任何人或機構之關係。
(10) 偽造標題或以其他方式操控識別資料,以偽裝經由本服務傳送之任何「內容」之來源。
(11) 將任何廣告信函、促銷資料、「垃圾郵件」、「濫發信件」、「連鎖信件」、「直銷」或其他任何形式的勸誘資料加以上載、張貼或以其他方式傳送。
(12) 破壞正常的對話流程、造成螢幕快速移動,或使本服務其他使用者無法打字,或對其他使用者參加即時交流的能力產生負面影響。
(13) 干擾或破壞本服務或與本服務相連線之伺服器和網路,或不遵守於本服務連線網路之規定、程序、政策或規範。
(14) 「跟蹤」或以其他方式騷擾他人。
B. 會員不得為任何非法目的而使用本網站,否則將承擔全部經濟和法律責任。
C. 本網站有權修改會員內容,而毋須事前通知。
D. 本網站有權刪除任何違反此條款及細則的會員內容,且不對發布者作任何補償或追究。
E. 在任何情況下,本網站不承擔在會員內容及經其連結之網站內容的真實性、完整性或實用性等責任,你同意必須自行加以評估並承擔所有風險。
F. 會員於本網站刊登的會員內容,可供本網站或瀏覽者轉載。
3. 責任
A. 本網站會進行即時內容監控,並有權保留存儲資料。本網站不保證所有會員內容所帶來的用戶預期瀏量。
B. 本網站不保證所有會員內容和連結的準確性、可靠性、完整性及適時性,如因使用本網站而造成任何金錢、商譽、名譽損失,或任何特殊的、間接的、或結果所性的損失,本網站不承擔任何責任。 本網站是以即時上載留言的方式運作,本網站對所有留言的真實性、完整性及立場等,不負任何法律責任。而一切留言之言論只代表留言者個人意見,並非本網站之立場。
C. 本網站可能包含其他網站的連結,從而連接到其他網站、系統、資料庫、程式乃至整個互聯網(以下稱為「第三方內容」)。第三方內容完全獨立於本網站,而且不受本網站控制,因此本網站對其真實性、準確性、有效性和安全性不做任何聲明或保證,並不承擔因第三方內容或服務所遭受的損失和其他一切後果。
4. 補償
5. 終止服務
This disclaimer applies to:
(a) the use of any services and information obtained through or available at www.metroeducationplus.com.hk (collectively “the Site”) offered by Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited, which services may include but not limited to the provision of stock and other financial information services to subscribers (collectively the “Services”);
(b) all information stored on or receivable through the Site or any other associated servers (collectively ” Servers”) (“Information”); and
(c) any goods or services offered, accessed or obtained through the Services, by you (the “User”).
This disclaimer limits the liability of Metro Broadcast Corporation and its associated companies, employees, agents, contractors and any third party Information provider (collectively “Metro”) in relation to any such use, Information, goods and services.
The Information may be protected under intellectual property laws and rights (including without limitation laws protecting copyright). The User shall not be permitted to download, copy, transmit, publish, store or otherwise use the Information without the consent of the owner of such rights.
General Disclaimer
Metro expressly, to the extent permitted by law, disclaims any responsibility, representation or warranty:
(a) in relation to the quality, operation, use, accuracy, or timeliness of, or the fitness or use for any purpose of the Services or the Information;
(b) in relation to any goods or services accessed, offered or obtained through the Servers or the Services or pursuant to the Information;
(c) that any access to the Servers, the Services or the Information will be uninterrupted or error free or that the Information does not contain any viruses, or contaminating or destructive properties;
(d) that the Information will not be objectionable or offensive to the User or any other person; and
(e) for any error, omission or misstatement in or arising from the Information.
Metro does not endorse or recommend any person, organisation, name, product or service referred to in the Information, nor does the Information constitute or represent Metro’s recommendations, advice views, opinions, attitude, position or standpoint. Metro will not be a party to any transaction between the User and any third person in any way relating to the Information or made through the Servers or the Services unless and only to the extent expressly stated in writing otherwise.
Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by law, Metro shall not be liable to the User or any other person whether in tort, contract, statute or otherwise (including without limitation for negligence, breach of contract, defamation, or intellectual property right infringement) for:
(a) any direct loss;
(b) any consequential or indirect loss (including without limitation loss of revenue or profits); or
(c) the User’s liability to any other person, which is suffered or incurred by the User or any other person arising under or in any way out of the Information or the Services.
Without limitation to the foregoing, Metro shall not be liable to the User or any other person, body corporate, unincorporated association or an authority for any failure, delay, malfunction or non-performance of the Services or any function relating thereto directly or indirectly.
Metro does not warrant (and accepts no responsibility for) confidentiality of any information or data whether personal or otherwise transmitted through the Servers and/or Services. Metro’s current practice is to take reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality. (Refer also to Metro’s personal data policies current from time to time).
User’s Obligations
In consideration of Metro allowing the User access to the Information, the Site, Servers and/or Services, the User agrees:
(a) not carry out or allow any copyright infringement;
(b) not to use the Information or the User’s access to the Site, Servers and/or Services for any illegal, improper, obscene or defamatory purpose or any purpose which is prohibited hereunder;
(c) not to publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information;
(d) not to upload materials, information or files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy of publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents to do the same;
(e) not to upload materials, information or files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer or property of another;
(f) not to violate any code of conduct or other guidelines which may be applicable for any particular Service;
(g) not to use the Services in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Service (or the network(s) connected to any Services) or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of any Services;
(h) not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any Services through hacking or any other means;
(i) unless otherwise specified, not to use the Services for any commercial purpose. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Services;
(j) to take all steps to ensure the Information does not damage the User’s information or systems;
(k) to Metro conducting research on access to the Information;
(l) to all Metro’s disclaimers and limitations of liability set out in this disclaimer, and to Metro’s personal data policies current from time to time applying.
Rights of Metro
Metro reserves the right to terminate your access to any or all of the Services at any time, without notice, for any reason whatsoever.
Metro reserves the right at all times to disclose any information as Metro deems necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, in Metro’s sole discretion.
Law and Severability
Hong Kong law governs this disclaimer, and each part of this disclaimer shall apply to the extent permitted thereby. Any part of this disclaimer which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is ineffective as to that jurisdiction only to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability. That does not invalidate the remaining parts of this disclaimer nor affect the validity or enforceability of that part in any other jurisdiction. Where this disclaimer is available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.